How does the Healing Work on the Emotional & Psychological Level?

Master Choa Kok Sui has identified crucial energetic things that happen within our system that hold us back from being our ultimate self. It's like the load of these energies and negative programmings in our system keeps growing when we don't rid or unload them. The Pranic Psychotherapy approach is so deep that many people say they feel lighter or whole just after the first healing session.  

Are Emotional and Psychological stuff often the root to physical ailments?

Yes! Many of us understand and have seen a LOT of the physical ailments root from emotional or psychological issues. So addressing the emotional/mental level is crucial in improving a person's well-being. Master Choa Kok Sui, the founder of Pranic Healing has developed Pranic Psychotherapy, a phenomenal approach by using esoteric principles and techniques kept secret since ancient times. Stress, phobias, addictions, fear, depression have to be addressed energetically alongside with the field of science and medicine. These principles and techniques can help improve family relationships, save a marriage that seems spiraling down, and increase peace, clarity and productivity.


Stress, Irritability, Anxiety, Depression, Postpartum Depression, Phobias, Trauma, Grief and Hysteria

Are you finding it difficult to reach peace and happiness in your life? Feeling distant,  alone or just stuck? Do you have ounces of positive emotional states but having trouble keeping it? If answered yes to any of the above, it may be time to tune up your energetic system to jump start some balance, joy, self-love, confidence and a positive trajectory moving forward.


Addictions and Compulsions/Obsessions

Are you ready to work on an addiction that has been brewing or out of control? Do you know a loved one that is trying to quit but feels hopeless? The following addictions, compulsions and obsessions can be addressed: smoking, drugs, alcohol, food, sugar and etc. Bring freedom back to your life. If you are ready to give up the addiction and bring in a healthy mindset, action and lifestyle... and just need a boost of energy to kick it out of your system... contact Judy.


ADD, ADHD, Autism, Down Syndrome, Mentally & Socially Challenged

Are you or do you know someone who is suffering from any of the following: Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD), Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Autism, Asperger, Down Syndrome and other mentally/socially challenged ailments? In the Pranic Psychotherapy technique, there are tools to help upgrade the brain to help improve focus, clarity, memory, attention and awareness. No matter which spectrum of mental ailments or disorders one may have, bringing balance is key. Energetic balance can bring peace within the person but also for their loved ones around them. The stigma of addressing mental health is in the past. Many are actively getting healings and learning the energetic tools to bring balance back in their lives.


Relationship Healing

Improve relationships with your loved ones, colleagues, a boss, family members, a romantic relationship and/or others. Is there a situation that is difficult, painful or haunting you? If you are reading this, well... It may be time to look within and get the healing needed to learn our lesson with this person or group of people. If you want peace and clarity, join us. Pranic Psychotherapy and regular practice of Meditation on Twin Hearts are powerful ways of improving relationships. So it is a high recommendation to do the Twin Hearts. See schedule.

Tip: Master Choa Kok Sui says if you bless every day your situation or relationship for two minutes after doing the Twin Hearts meditation, life as you know it will most likely change for the better. How so? The meditation helps open our hearts, bring awareness, tolerance and wisdom.